Category Archives: Session: Make

Proposal for a session in which you offer to lead a small group in a hands-on collaborative working session with the aim of producing a document, piece of software, or other made thing.

This and THATCamp Sussex Humanities Lab: debrief

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of hosting the second annual This and THATCamp Sussex Humanities Lab: an unconference event on the THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) model. A diverse group of people from humanities, library, archives, and … Continue reading

Categories: Copyright, Data Mining, Session: Make, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

MAKE: Capturing Data Locked Away In History Books

gdoc Lots of history books contain structured data: tables, graphs, appendices. In most cases these data derive from databases created, compiled, and/or arranged by the author. In few cases are these databases made easily available for reuse by readers. Rather, … Continue reading

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